Monday, October 12, 2009

Pseudo Training Log: October 2-October 12, 2009

Training over the last week and a half has continued as normal. Mondays and Fridays I go to the park, Tuesday-Thursday I spend 45 minutes a day training at MCAD, and I train on the weekends when possible. My knee and ankle have been healing, the only pain I receive from them now is if I take a landing particularly hard or twist it funny. There's not much to report on skill improvement with an exception of the tic-tacs, which have vastly improved. I am now capable of making three quick steps on the wall. With enough speed, I can make two large ones and carry a fair amount of distance. I might even be able to make three, but the wall I have to train on isn't long enough to try.

Today ends my sixth month of training. It's hard to believe it's been that long, and even harder to realize I couldn't do so much as a speed vault when I started. Now I can do catwalks, QM, speed vaults, kong vaults in all three variations, lazy vaults, wall runs, tic-tacs, 360° turn vaults, top-outs, pop vaults, and precisions. I feel like I could get through almost any obstacle course with ease.

As a new challenge, I trained in the snow today. I don't know what the hell snow is doing on the ground on October 12, but it's here and I used it. The good news is I can do Parkour in full winter gear if I substitute winter boots for hiking boots. Today I did it in hiking boots, snow pants, winter jacket, gloves, and a face mask. The only thing I had to actually avoid were precisions and, as I found out rather quickly, the 6" beam run. All vaults were done without slipping, the 1" wall walk and 1" cat walk were unhindered. Top-outs were fine, QM was cold but fine. It was a lot of fun, and a good exercise in overcoming weather as an obstacle.

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