Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Training Log: June 30, 2009

Training today included:

- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Kong-to-Speed Rotations
- Lazy Vault
- Traceur Vision
- 6" Beam Run

1" Wall Walk:
Still faster.

1" Cat Walk:

Not a personal record, but I made it an acceptable distance.

Kong-to-Speed Rotations:
This is a new routine. Since learning I can speed vault a picnic table, I now do Kongs across one way and Speeds back to the other side continually until I run out of breath. It's a great drill, and one I fully intend to continue.

Lazy Vault:

Now that I know for sure I can clear the fence with minimal effort and at a good speed, it's time to play with how much power I can put behind it. Maybe I can find an even higher fence o_o

Traceur Vision:
I did it some more today, it ended up turning more into a workout regimen than just seeing how fast I could get from one place to the next, but it was still good.

6" Beam Run:
This just entailed running on the railroad ties that boarder the full perimeter of the park. I figure, if I want to run on the 1" eventually I need to get running practice down to begin with.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Training Log: June 29, 2009

Training today included:

- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Rolls
- Kong Vaults
- Lazy Vaults
- Traceur Vision
- Speed Vaults
- Keystone wall climb

1" Wall Walk:

Even faster now, speed walk.

1" Cat Walk:
I just couldn't do it today, I don't know why. I think a big part of it was not biking to the park today, my muscles just didn't have the appropriate warm-up. I'll have to remember to do some push-ups and squats after I get to the park next time I don't bike.

These also felt really off today. More modifications are definitely needed. On the plus side, as I drove around grabbing job applications I watched for good practice parks. One I found had some really strange, really nice padding all around the playground. Perfect place to practice rolls, or any landing really. I'll definitely be taking Matt/Derek/John there next time.

Kong Vaults:

I've finally reached the point where I don't even think about it, I just go. I vaulted back and forth across the table 5 times, the only rest being the jog after each vault to the other starting point. At the same park I found the good rolling pad, I konged a completely new table without any testing. It was pretty clean, especially considering it was on a hill at a really strange angle.

Lazy Vaults:
Still pretty easy, still drilling them. Just gotta keep it up.

Traceur Vision:
This entailed just standing at the playground, picking a point, and mapping out the fastest way to get there. The goal is to do this now at every training session in as many different points as possible, to try and get it to the point where I don't have to think. This should teach me how to chain my techniques together better. On one of the attempts, however, I whiffed a lazy vault to 5 foot drop. It wasn't terrible, but it did throw me off balance. The resulting landing buried a wood chip pretty deep into the palm of my hand. Thankfully, all the callous I've built up caused most of the damage to be done to nothing but skin tissue. Bled a little, nothing serious. It did prevent me from doing two handed vaults, though, until I could clip off what skin I couldn't just peel.

Speed Vaults:

These were pretty much my only one handed choice for vaults. BUT! Because I didn't want to keep doing benches I attempted two new things. I tried the rink fence (which I made it over at Dakota Heights Park), and whiffed it. My knee has a nice scrape on it now, but that's definitely nothing new. I'll have to work on my vertical more for that to happen. HOWEVER, I did manage to speed vault the picnic table many many times. So that's cool.

Keystone Wall Climb:
So, that new park with the soft ground is behind the restaurant Enjoy. Also behind Enjoy is a little pond. And the retaining wall that keeps Enjoy and the strip mall from slipping into the pond is very long, and pretty high. So I did what any rational rock climbing starved human being would do and um...climbed it. I just moved along the retaining wall until I was at about the middle of the wall/pond, and when I felt like my forearms were going to fail me and send me into the muck I pulled myself up. Excellent exercise. I hope it was legal, I mean to call the city and find out in the next few days. I'm pretty sure it's public, but better safe than sorry.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Training Log: June 28, 2009

Training today included:

- Bike
- Derek
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Kong Vaults
- Lazy Vault
- Rolls
- Landings
- Speed Vaults

Yep. High winds today, very tiring.

Came with. It was a short training session, but I feel like he got a decent work-out.

1" Wall Walk:

The wind didn't blow me off it, even though it was the strongest yet. So close to the jog. So close.

1" Cat Walk:

Another personal record! Few posts after the red line, and the wind was much stronger today than yesterday.

Kong Vault:

So, I'm kicking serious ass at these now. As a result, I decided to finally try the picnic table the long way. I got my feet about 3/4 across the first try, and the second try I did the superman. Really lucky my arms didn't take splinters through the whole skid considering I was sliding with the grain of the picnic table. Safe to say, that was it for the long way. Just drilled the short a couple more times.

Lazy Vault:
Higher wall than yesterday, but I can still do it without any jogging or stepping beforehand. I can also do it at a fast jog.

Still improving, but my left leg came forward instead of my right a couple times. That's not okay. What I thought might have been muscle memory by now clearly isn't, which means days and hours more of drills. I thought I was ready to try concrete, but if that right leg is going to come forward in a panic I am definitely not.

Still good, but I'm beginning to question their use when I have momentum. I think I'll only be using them off of drops from now on, because I nearly tucked into a roll 3/5 momentum landing attempts. I guess that means I have *some* muscle memory ingrained for the roll?

Speed Vault:

These were going well until a major wipe-out. I never realized how truly important that right hand axis correction was until today when I missed it. Basically what happened was I went up for the vault, launched parallel to the bench top, and just whiffed the backrest with my hand. Result was me falling hard onto my side. Derek swears I had 1.5 seconds of hangtime, and I couldn't help but laugh after I hit because I knew it must have looked hilarious. Imagine if two people picked you up by the arms and feet, turned your side to the ground instead of your back and dropped you. That was me. Safe to say, I've learned my lesson and plan on never missing it again.

Training Log: June 27, 2009

Training yesterday included:

- Biking
- Matt and John
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Lazy Vaults
- Kong Vaults
- Rolls
- Wall Runs
- Speed Vaults
- QM
- Landings


Uh huh.

Matt and John:

Day 5 for Matt, day 2 for John. Taking them both out again today. Their enthusiasm is awesome, really fun to see. I'm starting to think I may have put them at a disadvantage on my rush to get them interested though... I mean, when I started training all I did were precisions, rolls, landings, and small speed vaults for a month and a half. Granted, it wasn't daily or nearly as intense as now, but it still got me conditioned for Parkour. I had enough coordination that I was ready to move on to the other vaults instead of just introduced to them. I think I need to be stressing the landings/rolls a lot more.

1" Wall Walk:
I'm back to how I was a few weeks ago, moving at a really nice pace across the wall again. Jogging soon? Maybe?

1" Cat Walk:
Another personal record! Red striped it. Then I did it up and down a small sloped railing. These are getting a lot faster for me too, even in the higher winds it wasn't bad at all. The next step needs to consist of two parts; making it to the end of the wall, and doing it up a more sharply sloped and longer rail.

Lazy Vault:
I no longer need to run anymore, and when I do am able to do it at a full run. Working on limb control has made it ridiculously easy. Just need to keep drilling them until they're as easy as my speed vault. Nearly one more in the permanent arsenal!

Kong Vault:
We went to a different park later in the day, so I know I can do it on higher objects now. But I didn't make it over. Then again, the table was taller and longer than the picnic table so I don't feel terrible. The next step is to increase my dive even more.


No pain on the practice rolls. A few more days and a few more hours, it should be muscle memory. Concrete soon? I think so.

Wall Runs:

I need to find something higher that's not keystone. That is all.

Speed Vaults:

I found out today I can speed vault an armpit high fence. That's good enough for me, just need to keep drilling it. (UPGRADE COMPLETE)


Introduced Matt and John to this, as well as doing what's really my first exercise in it. It feels awkward now, as Parkour can, but it's really important (especially for them) to do it. It teaches them to move their arms and legs together, and to be aware of their positioning. Nothing will help them more in vaulting (or Parkour in general!) than this.


Tried them on asphalt again from a four foot drop. No problem.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pseudo Training: June 25, 2009

Pseudo training today included:

- Methode Naturelle

Methode Naturelle:
There were a bunch of large commemorative rocks at Aaronson Park this evening, I just messed around with them. Found out I can speed vault an object 2.25' wide, and with enough speed can jump fairly large gaps. Climbed up a tiered pillar over an old WWII fighter, climbed up a tree. Made a 7ft drop to the ground and rolled. Important note: careful of the knees on high drops. They hit the ground when I started the roll. This tells me I was probably bending my knees before I came in contact with the ground, going to have to concentrate hard on not doing that.

Training Log: June 24, 2009

Training yesterday included:

- Biking
- John
- Landings
- Rolls
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Kong Vaults
- Lazy Vaults
- Speed Vaults
- Ledge Grabs



Originally I was going to take the day off 'cause Matt couldn't go, but John called wondering if Matt and I were going to do it. Well I can't pass up an opportunity to teach Parkour, so I went anyway and we got started. He did about as well as Matt, his Kong came extremely quickly and is nearly workable. Hopefully he'll continue to come.

Still solid, but I'm going to work more at it to get them down with momentum.

Still hitting my hip bone.

1" Wall Walk:
Getting faster again.

1" Cat Walk:
Personal record! 5 beams after the blue line.

Kong Vaults:
Had to do it in shoes, still wasn't a problem. Apparently the rule if you can do it barefoot, you can do it in any shoe applies. Still getting better.

Lazy Vaults:
Getting better, more height, ever easier.

Speed Vaults:
Need to start taking these at a sprint.

Ledge Grabs:
Missed my first one! Still trying to jump from farther away.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Training Log: June 23, 2009

Training yesterday included:

- Biking
- Matt
- New Location
- Wall Runs
- Lazy Vaults
- Kong Vaults
- Precisions
- Speed Vaults
- Playground Movement


He was there, second day in a row! He's the one who discovered the

New Location:
A park just across the street from Crytal Lake Elementary. Or is it Christina Huddleston...I can never tell the two apart. The one on 175th, anyway. It has the same facilities as Cherry View Park, except the rink is asphalt and the walls are slightly lower (by around 2" I would say). In some respect, it has a better playground too. I think we may have to become more advanced for it to be truly useful, but we were able to mess around a bit.

Wall Runs:
Got Matt started on his first wall runs today. The park has a keystone wall along the street that's a few bricks above head height. I can still do them just fine, as usual. It's good to have something to practice on, even though I would rather it wasn't keystoned.

Lazy Vaults:
It was a lower wall, so the were really easy. Next step is to try and take it at a sprint.

Kong Vaults:
Tried them on a new table, from a new direction today. It took a few attempts to get used to, but they're great now. I need to continue trying these in unfamiliar environments.

Just jumping from one slide ledge to the next. Fairly difficult, but it'll come with more practice.

Speed Vaults:
Done over an awkwardly angled bench, I need to start trying these on something higher. Maybe even the rink fence.

Playground Movement:
Just messed around on the playground. Got from one end to the other without touching the actual platforms, practiced using just arms to get up poles, etc etc.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I may or may not have gone out to practice today in 95° heat. And I may have gotten bored of rolls which bruised me on my hip, and done vaults. But I took it easy? Kinda? It's so hard to say I'm not going to train today when Matt was going to do it! It's good to see him trying (and kicking major ass) something so active despite the new-found asthma, and giving it a giant "fuck you." Might I say, inspirational? Overcoming things like that is what Parkour is all about... He pushes himself so damn hard, and makes no excuses. Exactly how it should be.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Training Log: June 21, 2009

Training today included:
- Biking
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Rolls
- Kong Vaults
- Lazy Vaults
- Precisions
- Dash Vaults

It happened.

1" Wall Walk:
Today was my first day training in adverse conditions. High wind and drizzle. I still made it to the end.

1" Cat Walk:
Didn't do so hot on this one, all it took was one strong gust and I was off the wall.

Still hitting my hip bone, I forgot to watch some tutorials before going out.

Kong Vaults:
I didn't attempt the length of the table today, I'll try that next time. I say next time instead of tomorrow because of injuries I'll go over later.

Lazy Vaults:
These are fine as long as I remember to direct most of my momentum up, and not forward. It feels good to have diagnosed my problem whenever I do miss it.

I attempted to land on top of the wall on multiple occasions to work up to the dash vault. I only managed to stay on once, but I landed on it several times.

Dash Vaults:
First one I tried, I missed. Bad. Slammed my right shin into the top of the wall. I managed to get my left foot up onto it, and somehow worked myself into a standard landing on the other side. I was infuriated considering I did it yesterday, and made it on top of the wall a bunch of times earlier in the training. It just put me in a terrible mood that resulted in missed lazy vaults, botched precisions, and more injuries. Now I have two banged up shins, the ball of my right foot is bruised again, my left ankle is a little hurt, and my left arm muscles got pulled. I'll be taking a day off tomorrow, as much as I hate to.

I perform better after giving some cooldown time. Despite my injuries, I let myself cool off for 5 minutes and attempted another decent lazy vault, and landed on the wall a few more times. Parkour is easier when clear of mind, calm, and confident. I will strive to be this way at all times, in all situations.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Training Log: June 20, 2009

Training today included:
- Biking
- Training with Matt and Derek
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Landings
- Rolls
- Lazy Vault
- Dash Vault
- Kong Vault
- Speed Vault
- Ledge Grabs

Pumped my tires today. It was better.

Matt and Derek:
Still a lot of fun. I owe my ability to do a dash vault to them, details later.

1" Wall Walk:
I actually fell off today. Very disappointing. I'll keep working at it though.

1" Cat Walk:
Getting better! Personal record today, by a long shot. Soon I'll make it to the end.

They're getting quieter, which means I have better control. Sweet.

I'm hitting my hip bone, I just need to work on my exit angle. I think it's in a really bad spot, I have a feeling I'll either need to roll dangerously close to incorrectly or almost 90° to get it right. We'll see, I'll watch a couple more tutorials.

Lazy Vault:
Easier and easier. Not much else to say there.

Dash Vault:
This started with Matt messing around during Lazy drills, but he tried to jump onto and over the wall running straight on. He got it a whole bunch of times, but I couldn't get him to just clear it. I figured, if you can get both feet up, you should be able to get both feet past. Then he would have accomplished the dash before me. Then Derek gave it a try, he made it over touching the top. It just seemed so damn *high* to take straight on. But I tried jumping onto it a few times, and I could get myself to try it without a fence to grab onto. After some encouragement, I managed to get on top with both feet. Then I just...did it. I mean, I can't exactly tell Matt if he can get his feet up he can clear it, and then not do it myself. I made it over a couple times, I just need to improve my form now.

Kong Vault:
I'm hitting the edge of the table with my hands every time now. It may be time to attempt the length of it O_O Scary.

Speed Vault:
Did it over an easier obstacle today, really just felt like a waste. We didn't do them long.

Ledge Grabs:
Attempted to get on top of it this time. I got my elbows up, I'll try even harder next time.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Training Log: June 19, 2009

Training today included:
- Biking
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Standard Landing
- Rolls
- Kong Vaults
- Lazy Vaults
- Speed Vaults

It happened.

1" Wall Walk:
Still easy.

1" Cat Walk:
Getting Better.

Okay Basically:
It was a normal training session, with nothing noteworthy occurring. I'm tired and going to bed. Tomorrow is training with Matt.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Training Log: June 17, 2009

Training today included:
- Biking
- 1" Wall Balance
- 1" Cat Walk
- Rolls
- Kong Vault
- Lazy Vault
- Speed Vault
- QM

My tires are kinda flat. What? What else would I talk about?

1" Wall Balance:
It was easy to tell not doing this for 2 days because of rain and family activities made me a little rusty. I didn't fall off, still made it to the end, but I was pretty shaky.

1" Cat Walk:
Made it to the blue line today before I couldn't take it anymore, I'll try and push myself further tomorrow. It's good to be at the point where if I fall off, it's pseudo-voluntary.

Worked on making my right foot be in front, coming up on my left first. I finally got it right today, and for the first time I felt almost nothing on my roll. I drilled it for about 15 minutes, I'll give it another go tomorrow.

Kong Vaults:
I really just need to get more speed on these now, and make sure my dive is getting my hands to the end of the table so I can grip it every time. I think a combination of speed and a less lazy take-off should accomplish this.

Lazy Vault:
First one today was perfect and effortless. After that I grazed my butt across the top of the wall a few times, but nothing terrible. These will only get better over time, but I realized speed makes it easier to get over.

Speed Vault:
Practiced these over the baseball benches again, making my take-offs earlier. I think I might be killing my momentum before the leap though, after looking at my tracks in the sand it looked like the sand was piled in front of my foot instead of behind. I'll investigate this further tomorrow. I worked through this on the Kong, doing it on the Speed should be cake.

I did this very briefly today over the picnic table a couple times. Vaults look kind of cool to onlookers, but running around on all fours really just makes me look like a raving lunatic. Next time Matt and Derek come, I'm thinking about having us stay in QM as long as possible while working on rolls (it won't look so bad with 3 people doing it). It'll really hurt though, so we'll see how long we'll be able to last.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Training Log: June 14, 2009

Training today (okay, yesterday, but it was a long day) included:
- Biking
- Breaking in the Vibrams
- Introducing Matt and Derek to most of what I can do, and teaching them to do it.
- Standard Landing
- PK Roll
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Kong Vault
- Lazy Vault
- Ledge Grabs
- Speed Vaults

Eh. I don't need it for rehabilitation anymore, but it's better for me than driving.

Spent a really long time in them. From 12:20-7:30ish, never taking them off. The muscles in my feet were starting to get really sore, but this is understandable considering how weakened they've become from 21 years of babying. I continue to be impressed by how much more grip is allowed by them doing anything, and I'm starting to use my toes a lot more in a run to grip the ground.

Matt and Derek:
Parkour's entertainment increases tenfold with other people. I mean it's fun and meditative to do alone, but watching Matt and Derek learn was a great experience. I look forward to the time when we can teach each other. I've also found it's a lot easier to push myself with friends there. I don't tire as easily, my vaults improve, etc etc.

Standard Landing:
It is what it is. I can't see this improving anymore.

PK Roll:
I need to start trying to roll with my opposite foot out, or into a QM position. It feels alright now, but it doesn't feel even close to perfect. I'll have to spend an hour alone banging myself up to get it just right.

1" Wall Walk:
Still getting easier.

1" Cat Walk:
I tried the variation ForestCloak posted on americanparkour.com, it works pretty slick (that is, moving an arm and leg at the same time). It's faster and more stable. I'll continue this. On another note, I made a personal record for distance. Getting stronger.

Kong Vault:
Apparently my left leg kicks in the air now since moving my feet closer on the split-foot take-off. Really exciting to hear. It should be no problem at all now to get an increased dive angle. Now that I've drilled the basics over and over, I'm finally able to concentrate on the fine tuning and it feels great. I now land with a straighter back since punching up from the table, continuing runs is even easier.

Lazy Vault:
Just need to keep drilling them. Next step is increased speed.

Ledge Grabs:
I'm going to start taking off much earlier than usual. Matt mentioned that the two foot punch was killing my momentum. It's still needed as part of the technique, but I think if my skip is earlier and the two foot punch is angled more forward I should be able to redirect the momentum more effectively. I did it once a few weeks ago where there was a ton of airtime before I made contact, but it felt right. I'll try it again. Side note: my hands are becoming much tougher. My fingers are even widening out, which is great to see.

Speed Vault:
Did these over a baseball bench. It forced my take-off to be earlier to avoid slamming my shin into the seat, which much improved it. I'll definitely continue to do it this way, whether it's a bench or not.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Training Log: June 10-13, 2009

Training the last 4 days has included:
- Breaking in the Vibram Five Fingers
- Making a critique video to post on americanparkour.com
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Catwalk
- Edge Grabs
- Kong Vaults
- Lazy Vaults
- Speed Vaults
- Standard Landings
- Rolls

Vibram Five Fingers:
They're awesome. Running barefoot minus pain from various ground objects. Toes equal great grip. I'll leave it at that.

Critique Video:
I've gotten a lot of good responses from this. It's helped me fix my standard landing and improve my kong vault. We'll see if I can deal with the roll advice, it's been really strange and painful trying to "correct" it.

1" Wall Walk:
Same as it's been, just steadily improving. Nothing drastic.

1" Cat Walk:
I'm getting to go farther and farther. I don't fall off anymore, I simply choose to get off because it hurts so bad. But burns so good.

Edge Grabs:
Easier still. The next step will be not only pulling up to my chin, but getting my chest (and waist?) above it.

Kong Vaults:
I've been practicing them over the last four days, but I drilled the everliving shit out of them today using the advice given to me by those who watched the critique video. I now grip the edge of the table on the way out since a suggestion fixed my split-foot take-off, and I come out straight up instead of bent over. I'll have to keep at it.

Lazy Vaults:
These also continue to get easier. Apparently I have impressive height on these (say commentators from the critique video), I guess I can chaulk that up to not having a lower wall to practice on, lol. They're getting faster, which is great.

Speed Vaults:
I got advice on these, but didn't get to try it out yet. I just put it on here because I filmed it, so they were practiced a little.

Standard Landings:
Fixed an issue where I was bending my legs before even having impact. I dunno how else I can improve on these.

Critique I got said I should be coming out of the roll with my right foot out. Well, I tried this tonight, and it destroyed my left hip. I'll keep trying it to see what happens, but so far it's not going so hot. Other people said it was a good roll, so I guess we'll see.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Training Log: June 9, 2009

With an exception of Thursday, I have not trained until today. Birthday, family, etc etc. I won't go into Thursday, 'cause it's a lot like it was Wednesday.

Training today included:
- Bringing my 6th grade cousin with.
- Quad Landing
- Rolls
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Kong Vault
- Lazy Vault
- Speed Vault

Aaaaand I'm too lazy and tired to elaborate this time, but that's what I did. I will say I finally got down the lazy vault though (ha! what a coincidence).

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Training Log: June 3, 2009

Training today included:
- Bike Riding
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Lazy Vault
- Kong Vault
- Dash Vault
- Cement Grabs
- String

Bike Riding:
Leg therapy.

1" Wall Walk:
Even faster than yesterday.

1" Cat Walk:
Went farther, it's getting easier to balance. It still does a number on the forearms, triceps, and gluts though. Seriously. Lots of burn.

Lazy Vault:
No improvement. Well, that's not entirely true. I'm almost there now, I just need to get rid of the foot tap. Funny thing is, I'm tapping the foot that traceurs usually don't. I think I might need to rotate my hips more?

Kong Vault:
It's so weird to think it was only three days ago I made my first one. Now, I barely think about it. There's definitely still plenty of room to improve, but my basics are solid. I'm almost as comfortable with it as my speed vault. Maybe I'll try it over a different surface tomorrow, like a rail.

Dash Vault:
Today was my first attempt at this over a real obstacle, and I used the tutorial linked to on this blog. I dunno what's going on, but I think this one will take even longer than the Kong. There's no fear issue here, it's just technique. I guess I can't wrap my head around what exactly is supposed to happen. Safe to say I couldn't get past step one, I kept overshooting the table. Maybe that's a good thing and I should just go to step 2? I dunno. The problem may be that I'm just getting too much air, in which case it has to be corrected before I continue or I'll really eff up my wrists.

Cement Grabs:
Just momentum grabs today. I noticed that when I do these at the end of training, my two foot punch is terrible. It should be a skip-to-forefoot, but my feet come flat. Honestly I'd rather my vault take-offs were better anyway. My hands aren't doing so hot though, I may have to give them a day or two to recuperate. I think the corner can go without drinking my blood for a bit.

Strung together a Kong, some weird inefficient vault I made to get over tall objects until I can kong them, and a lazy. It's really tiring, but again, it feels good to put things together. I jammed my toe when I botched the weird vault, but it should be okay by tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Training Log: June 2, 2009

Training today included:
- Bike Riding
- Cement Grabs
- Kong Vaults
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Lazy Vault

Bike Riding:
Leg conditioning. I may have hurt my knee a little bit today, so this will continue to be important.

Cement Grabs:
These are getting easier, and I'm less apprehensive while doing them. Today's included pull-ups, and momentum grabs. My hands are starting to develop the calluses I need to do them painlessly. I've got one spot on my left palm that continues to tear open during these, I think it'll be okay if I put a Band-Aid on it before training tomorrow. Hydrogen Peroxide is my best friend right now though. It burns really bad, but it sure as hell gets rid of possible infection.

Kong Vaults:
I did a ridiculous amount of these today. I'm definitely getting better, I would even consider 1 or 2 of them to have been perfect. It's strange when you get it exactly right, it feels so natural. Like there's absolutely no reason why you've had to try at all to do it. And yet you do... I dunno, like I said, strange. Anyway, I have to work on getting my legs and butt in the air more for a steeper dive and more distance. I've found this also helps ensure my legs come straight down through my arms on the finish instead of slightly to the side.

1" Wall Walk:
Even faster today. I'm confident that with about a month more training this each day, I might even be able to jog it.

1" Cat Walk:
Same wall as the wall walk. These are still really hard, but I'm getting better. I think it's easier once my body is uncoiled, and longer across the wall. I'll be testing that further.

Lazy Vault:
It's strange, when I'm practicing the approach, I have almost no trouble getting plenty of air to go over the tall wall (as it turns out, there's not a smaller one to practice on nearby >.>). Even so, when I try the actual vault I still have to toe tap most of the time. I think I only executed one today without it. Granted, it is a very tall wall, and if I can master this one then very few things should be a problem.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Training Log: June 1, 2009

Training today included:
- Bike Riding
- Kong Vaults
- Lazy Vaults
- Cement Grabs

Bike Riding:
Leg rehab again. Still on track for a recovery by Sunday.

Kong Vaults:
I can't say I improved them from yesterday. I did it more, only failed twice. It'll get better with practice. I keep slowing down my momentum right before the vault, I think it's a fear of slamming my shins into the table bench. Maybe if I start the vault sooner? Dunno.

Lazy Vault:
This vault is ridiculously easy, but allows pretty great heights. I'm supposed to use two hands after my legs go over, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. I'll watch more tutorials and see.

Cement Grabs:
Getting better at these. Less apprehensive. I managed to do several two foot punches into the grab, so I know I can do it with some momentum. I just need to keep conditioning my hands on it so they don't get cut up.