Sunday, June 28, 2009

Training Log: June 28, 2009

Training today included:

- Bike
- Derek
- 1" Wall Walk
- 1" Cat Walk
- Kong Vaults
- Lazy Vault
- Rolls
- Landings
- Speed Vaults

Yep. High winds today, very tiring.

Came with. It was a short training session, but I feel like he got a decent work-out.

1" Wall Walk:

The wind didn't blow me off it, even though it was the strongest yet. So close to the jog. So close.

1" Cat Walk:

Another personal record! Few posts after the red line, and the wind was much stronger today than yesterday.

Kong Vault:

So, I'm kicking serious ass at these now. As a result, I decided to finally try the picnic table the long way. I got my feet about 3/4 across the first try, and the second try I did the superman. Really lucky my arms didn't take splinters through the whole skid considering I was sliding with the grain of the picnic table. Safe to say, that was it for the long way. Just drilled the short a couple more times.

Lazy Vault:
Higher wall than yesterday, but I can still do it without any jogging or stepping beforehand. I can also do it at a fast jog.

Still improving, but my left leg came forward instead of my right a couple times. That's not okay. What I thought might have been muscle memory by now clearly isn't, which means days and hours more of drills. I thought I was ready to try concrete, but if that right leg is going to come forward in a panic I am definitely not.

Still good, but I'm beginning to question their use when I have momentum. I think I'll only be using them off of drops from now on, because I nearly tucked into a roll 3/5 momentum landing attempts. I guess that means I have *some* muscle memory ingrained for the roll?

Speed Vault:

These were going well until a major wipe-out. I never realized how truly important that right hand axis correction was until today when I missed it. Basically what happened was I went up for the vault, launched parallel to the bench top, and just whiffed the backrest with my hand. Result was me falling hard onto my side. Derek swears I had 1.5 seconds of hangtime, and I couldn't help but laugh after I hit because I knew it must have looked hilarious. Imagine if two people picked you up by the arms and feet, turned your side to the ground instead of your back and dropped you. That was me. Safe to say, I've learned my lesson and plan on never missing it again.

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