Thursday, July 23, 2009

Training Log: July 23, 2009

Training today included:

-1" Wall Walk
-1" Cat Walk
-2lb Vaults
-Kong-to-Speed Rotations
-Sprint Vaults

On my way to the park today more skater punks decided to jeer at me as I passed Cherry View. This would be number 2 from one particular kid who called me a "fag" before and I ignored it. This time it was a, "Hey. HEY. GET A LIFE." So I turned my bike around, whipped off my helmet, and we had a short conversation in which I asked if he had a problem. I also said one of these days he was going to insult the wrong guy. Someone who couldn't control their temper, and would beat the living shit out of him, and that he was lucky I wasn't that person. We'll see if he does it again, and if he does...well, maybe I'll have to be that person. Only time will tell.

1" Wall Walk:


1" Cat Walk:
Red line.

2lb Vaults:
10 Kongs, 10 Speeds, 10 Lazies. It was still really easy, but I think I'll keep it at 2 for awhile just the same.

Kong-to-Speed Rotations:

Made the 16. To think, at first I could only do 5. That's an improvement of 22 total vaults, it's hard to believe I can do 32 now. I'm not looking forward to Monday, because I'm fairly certain I won't be able to do that many. I'll have to work up again.

Sprint Vaults:
5 Lazies, 5 Speeds, 5 Kongs. I tried just jumping over the table today instead of doing a straight Speed Vault. It was stupid easy. I'm still going to keep putting my hand down just so I'm not out of practice for different obstacles, but there it is.

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